来源:搜狐 发表于2019-10-09 15:37:05 编辑:莫小烟
摘要: 原标题:与老王相处的日子 在天行一中不仅有最优秀的学生,更有一群优秀敬业的老师。今天推出的天行学子系列之十的作者Jessica,来自高一四班(春季班




  He has a clean face with a pair of glasses and his long eyes are bright. His hairline is really strange, like a "concave" shape. Under the short hair, his head looks like a "spiced corned egg". He was the first headteacher since I came to the Teensen, Wang Yiwei.He named himself Maywonther because he venerate boxer Mayweather and in order to be closer we send him a nickname Lao Wang.


  On the first day of class, we were not familiar with each other. There was a silence of awkwardness in the classroom. When he came in, he broke the slightly dull atmosphere. We heard a few names with their status that we had heard about before. In his words this is the convention of his first class. Finally, when introducing the name "Wang Yiwei", he wrote“ physics teacher”on the blackboard and said, "My identity is a teacher, all of previous people I mentioned are my leaders. Likewise, you are students, and I am your leader." Since then, under the leadership of this "leader", we have entered the magic world of vector.

  ▲ 课堂上的老王

  他讲物理,从来不讲一大堆例题,每次都先把原理以及定理的证明讲清楚。用他自己的话讲:“别的物理老师从来不在这一块花好多时间,而我用几节课都要把这个讲到位。”他的课往往“气势恢宏”,尤其男生都是一呼百应。他还时不时在课堂上穿插他的“人生道理”,听着甚是感慨。每一节课下来,仿佛血液里都流动着“物理因子”,他也因此收获了不少“小迷妹”,找他约office time可都要排队呢。

  He never teach a lot of examples, but always make clear explanations of principles and their proofs. In his own words, "Other teachers never spend a lot of time in this area, but I need to make this clear in my classes." His classes tend to be "vigorous", so those boys always follow him . Sometimes he interspersed his "truth of life" in class which makes us have many feelings,as if there were "physical factors" flowing in the blood after each class. That’s why he also have a lot of "girl fans". Resulting from this ,we have to queue up to book his office time.

  ▲ 老王与学生office time

  我与老王真正熟悉起来缘于第一次期中考试物理并不理想的成绩。这次分数既没达到我自己的目标,也没达到他认为我能达到的分数。在那次以后我产生自卑心理,认为自己不是学物理的材料。老王的课风格依旧,只是我已没多少心思,打心底里产生了一点抵触与抗拒,时不时还控制不住的走神。直到有一次老王和我约office time,他打开他的笔记本,我看到上面虽小却规律整齐的字迹,我的心蓦地颤动了一下,开始有点愧疚自己对物理越来越不上心的态度。之后老王给我报最基本的单词听写,这出其不意的一招可谓是把我打得“落花流水”,心里暗暗记恨他的“不按套路出牌”和“不留情面”。后来仔细想想,老王是一针见血地戳出了我的问题所在——基础不扎实,套用他的一贯口吻便是“基础不到位,物理学白费”。打那次以后我没少约他的office time,无论是单独给我上课,还是和几个同学一起上课,看他无论是在讲台上亦或是坐在地板上讲得唾沫横飞的样子,我心里对物理的抵触在一点点消除,对它的喜欢仿佛一颗即将破土的小苗,等待着开出花儿来。

  I was familiar with Lao Wang because of the poor physics in the first mid-term examination. The score did not reach my goal and the standard he set for me. After that time, I had inferiority complex and I thought that I was not suitable for learning physics. Lao Wang's class style is still the same, but I didn’t want to study and I cannot focus on his class . Until once I asked for his office time,when he opened his notebook, I saw some small but regular handwriting on it. My heart suddenly trembled and I began to feel a little guilty for my negative attitude. Lao Wang gave me the most basic words for dictation. This unexpected trick beat me a lot and I secretly hated his no mercy. However, after careful consideration,Lao Wang straightly pointed out my problem - my fragile knowledge base. After that, I asked for his office time for many times. No matter one for one or one against many, I could see his seriously look. The resistance of learning in my heart is disappear, and my heart is like a small seedling breaking through the earth and it is about to blossom.

  ▲ 课后老王在微信上指导学生解题


  After half a year of the studying life, my physics has made great progress under Lao Wang's "support". But the results of last semester are not satisfactory for me. I still have goals to adhere to in my heart. So in the next days I still need to be cared for by Lao Wang.

  ▲ 与学生们在一起的老王


  Looking forward to the days with Lao Wang,an I think we can go further together. The goal is not reached yet, comrades still need to work hard!




  朗读:Vivian Cathy




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