摘要: 原标题:全球排名第一的酒店管理学院到访天行一中 9月25日18时30分,瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole htelire de Lausanne 以下简称EHL)中国区招生官 Yalin Fan 女士莅
9月25日18时30分,瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院(Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne 以下简称EHL)中国区招生官 Yalin Fan 女士莅临天行一中,为我校师生带来一场精彩的招生宣讲。
On September 25, at 18:30, Ms. Yalin Fan, admission officer of the Ecole Hotelire de Lausanne (hereinafter referred to as EHL),came to Tessen No. 1 Middle School to give a wonderful lecture to our teachers and students.
▲招生官Yalin Fan女士进行宣讲
瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院是世界上第一所酒店管理学院,也是瑞士政府 认可的提供泛酒店管理教育的瑞士应用科技类大学,在2019世界QS排名中位居专业排名世界第一。虽然学校始建于1893年,但学校非常国际化,学生可以选择以英文或者是法文进行学习。洛桑酒店管理学院以治学严谨而闻名,并且十分注重传统与现代的结合,力图使教学与实践既体现出传统酒店的技术服务特点,又能反映出现代酒店管理的精髓所在。
Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne is the first hotel management school in the world and the only Swiss university recognized by the Swiss government to provide hotel management education. It ranks first in the world in QS ranking in 2019. Although the school was founded in 1893, it is very international and students can choose to study in English or French. Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne is famous for its rigorous academic management, andattaches great importance to the combination of tradition and modernity, trying to make teaching and practice parts show the technical service characteristics of traditional hotels, and the essence of modern hotel management.
招生官Yalin Fan女士在宣讲中介绍到,学院位于瑞士西部,校园风景优美如画,教学及生活设施完备齐全,拥有引以为傲的遍及全球的校友网络和人脉,为学生的实习及就业方面提供了很大的便利。随后,她详细地为学生们介绍了学院专业设置,实习机会,申请入学的要求和学费标准。
Ms. Yalin Fan, the admissions officer, said in her presentation that the college is located in Western Switzerland, with beautiful campus, perfect teaching methods and living facilities, network all over the world, which provides great convenience for students' internship and employment. Subsequently, she introduced in detail the college's professional settings, internship opportunities, admission requirements and tuition standards.
Admission officer's excellent speech attracted many students interest. After the lecture, the students made a more detailed understanding of different issues.
撰写: Jack
摄影: Jack
朗读:Joy Vivian