摘要: 原标题:谢邀!宁波诺丁汉大学参加中国国际教育年会分享高质量在线教学经验 10月底,第22届中国国际教育年会在北京举行,这次年会以育新机、开新局
宁波诺丁汉大学党委副书记、副校长沈伟其教授主持“本科及以上高水平中外合作办学质量建设研讨会”。宁波诺丁汉大学教学副校长陈志伟(K. Cohen Tan)受邀参加,分别作了题为《后疫情时代学生课堂体验及教师在线教学能力提升》与《中外合作大学后疫情时代的机遇与挑战》的主旨演讲。
陈志伟在主旨发言中分享了宁诺以高质量在线教学应对疫情的经验,及对后疫情时代背景下中外合作大学如何提升教学的思考。陈志伟回忆道,2020年4月,学校获得政府许可重新开放校园,成为中国 一所全面复学复课的中外合作大学,超过85%的学生自愿选择返校。“学校各大院系、职能部门加班加点,合力保障学生安全平稳复学,并对无法返校的学生提供在线实时支持。如为远程学习的学生提供先进的未来教室和全息式教学体验,第一时间启动全球领先的云监考平台,举办云毕业典礼邀请家长和未能返校的学生通过全球直播同步观看等等。”
UNNC shares online teaching experience in national conference
In late October, the 22nd China Annual Conference for International Education and Expo (CACIE) was held in Beijing, with the theme of “New Opportunities and Prospects for Building an Open and High-Quality Education System”, gathering specialists and principals of government authorities, international educational organisations, and top Chinese and foreign universities.
Professor Sam Shen, Vice-Provost for External Relations at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC), presided the Forum on High-Quality Development of Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools. Dr K. Cohen Tan, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning of UNNC, was invited to attend and gave keynote speeches.
In his speech, Dr Tan shared the experience of how UNNC has responded to COVID-19 pandemic with interactive online teaching and how Sino-foreign universities could improve teaching quality in the post-pandemic era. He recalled that the University opened its gates to students in April 2020, being the first Sino-foreign university in China to resume face-to-face teaching with over 85% of students choosing to return.
“Faculties and various departments across the University worked together to facilitate the safe return of students to campus. For off-campus students, we adopted various online teaching methods,” Dr Tan introduced. That included the adoption of upgraded student-centred virtual lecture rooms, “online invigilator” systems and on-site celebration with live streaming for graduation ceremony.
According to Dr Tan, the quick response of UNNC benefited from seamless digital learning capacities and supportive digital learning capabilities. UNNC pursues a student-centred digital learning vision to empower students’ employment competitiveness, achieve excellent teaching practice, foster creativity and innovation in teaching and learning and enhance staff teaching experience and student learning experience, he summarised.
In the future, UNNC will step into a new stage of blended teaching delivery, with improved pedagogies of blended learning with diverse training programmes, to explore the transform assessment praxis. The University is to develop a new suite of programmes tailored to the needs of the local industry and market alongside parallel projects to update current programmes, such as the embedding of Nottingham Equity, Diversity and Inclusion as well as sustainability values and post-COVID Professional Competency Skills within and beyond the formal curriculum, and build in additional career competitiveness support into students’ undergraduate study, concluded Dr Tan.
CACIE is a prominent conference in the field of international education organised by China Education Association for International Exchange since 2000 with multiple missions including policy briefing and consultation, academic and information exchange, exhibition and exposition, networking and programme development.